done and done
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Saturday, April 17, 2004
was sitting infront of tim horton's waiting for paula and was looking at people walking by...i wonder how i missed it for so many years, but seriously all the girls here all look exactly the same. apparently the look to have is the wanna be casual "i just rolled out of bed" little tank/sweatshirt and sweatpant/capris/jean one...but really, who rolls out of bed with perfect hair and a ton of makeup. hm
ok i am officially a pack rat...i just went threw the stuff i've accumulated the four years i've been in london...and it's insane!! i threw away two shopping carts full of papers and random things, packed 6 bags of clothes for goodwill, have built a fort in my living room with boxes of my stuff...yet somehow my closest is still full and my room doesn't look like i'm packed at all...i got rather frustrated with the packing, but then i realized how much i have. i have everything i need and sooooo much more. sometimes i forget how much i've been blessed with and so often i take it for granted. really need to learn to appreciate the things i have, and not just the materialistic, but people and opportunities and relationships. i have a lot to be thankful for =)
Friday, April 09, 2004
wah yesterday's hazardous medical waste treatment plant tour was a little more fun than i had expected it to be...oh yeah and we're doing a project on it so it's not like we just go places like that for the fun of it.
but yeah i had been dreading this tour since it's just the three of us from my group driving there with my solid wastes prof, also thought i'd be grossed out by nasty anatomical parts and ewwy gooey nasty stuff (like the stuff they throw over the fence in fight club), but turns out they burn some other stuff too...
our tour turned out to be right in the middle of a police narcotics burning. and man THERE WERE SO MANY DRUGS...they were just wheeling them in in those huge garbage containers. i counted 20 and there were more on their way in. it was like something from a movie. there were like 7 cops guarding the incinerator and 3 with machine guns and two more armed ones guarding the unloading and just people all over the place....was crazy, but made the tour a little more exciting.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Monday, April 05, 2004
bowling with friends is fun.
and matthea is crazy, herb is "agile and graceful", rob is a yam and apparently my head is shaped like a turnip.
Saturday, April 03, 2004
a flyer on my door today informs me that the A&P across the street became a 24 hour one as of yesterday...
just in time to meet all those late night, mid-studying studying chip, chocolate, meatball etc. cravings. me's gonna get real fat this exam period.
Friday, April 02, 2004
haven't done an online quiz in quite a while now...and you know how addicted to those things i here's a nice and short one...(somehow the picture wouldn't show when i pasted the thing in, but me being too lazy to figure out why i just left it)

you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, April 01, 2004
....sigh it's so close far away....
things between me and the end of my academic career...
1) thesis report
2) design project
3) process control project report
4) solid waste design report
5) final exams
6) 27 days of no sleep
a side note: if you're making a lot of photocopies and too lazy to close the cover each time....DON'T LOOK DOWN...i am still seeing lights.