Random blabbling of the superfat One...

Insights into the life of Supa...

Friday, October 24, 2003

I'M BACK!!!...new guestbook and all...and of course i just couldn't resist being the first one to sign my own guestbook. now it's your turn...hehe i know i'm such a loser, but i know you guys still love me...right?...right?...somebody? anybody?

been asked to blog...so...the coolest thing this week...well it's not really "cool"...but i was definitely excited about it...

there was a sale at chapters-indigo.ca, so...i finally ordered and recieved my very own copy of the chemical engineering "bible"...you'll think i'm a geek...but but but but think...all 20 gabazillion pages of the perry's chemical engineers' handbook sitting right here on my desk...ooo the excitement.....ok fine...i am a geek...

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

ah so guess there haven't been as many fun adventures here at western as promised...

but i will blog today...because today is a sad day.

got an email today. apparently my guestbook will no longer be free...and since i am a poor, cheap uiversity student...i will not pay.
i know my that both my blog and guestbook have long past their glory days...i know, i know, even those weren't all that glorious...
but ah...the few people that cared if i fell into a ditch...all the effort...well more whining and nagging that i put into it to get it to reach 10 pages...feels like a little bit of me is dying...sense a void in my life already...or maybe i'm just hungry.

but yeah last chance...sign the book while you can.